United States strengthens Dominica’s disaster response through medical field hospital and training - Dominica News Online

2022-08-13 14:16:20 By : Ms. Judy Yuan

The United States donated a field hospital valued at approximately US$640,000 to the Government of Dominica. This week, as a part of the donation, the U.S. manufacturer of the field hospital is training personnel from Dominica’s Ministry of Health, the Office of Disaster Management (ODM), the Dominica Fire and Ambulance Service, and the Dominica Cadet Corps on the setup and use of the field hospital at the Dominica Botanic Gardens.

The hospital was purchased by U.S. Southern Command through the Humanitarian Assistance Program. The field hospital includes five medical tents and one administration tent that can be connected, a 70 KVA generator, an air conditioning system, sinks, a water purification and distribution system, and 40 hospital beds.

“The field hospital will provide additional capacity to Dominica’s health system in the event of a natural disaster and is part of the U.S. government’s ongoing assistance to nations responding to the pandemic,” said U.S. Embassy Bridgetown’s Chief of Security Cooperation, Lt Col Shane Moran.

“This initiative is in-keeping with the ODM’s goal to integrate Comprehensive Disaster Management (CDM) in our key sectors. The Health Sector will benefit tremendously from this donation as it provides redundancy and additional capacity to our health infrastructure. We are grateful to the US Government for this generous donation, and to the instructor and participants of this training programme,” commented the National Disaster Coordinator, Mr. Fitzroy Pascal.

Twenty-three (23) participants benefitted from this training programme. “The workshop is a great programme. After the instructor leaves, the onus is on us to setup and maintain the facility. We are grateful for this training, it is interesting, fun and we are learning a lot,” remarked participant Station Officer of the Dominica Fire and Ambulance Service, Mr. Matthew Prosper.

This donation builds on the longstanding partnership between the United States and Dominica. Through regional workshops, best practice exchanges, and the ongoing construction of emergency operations centers and disaster relief warehouses in Castle Bruce and Portsmouth, the United States is committed to Dominica’s hurricane preparedness and supporting a coordinated emergency response.

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The Govt of Dominica as a matter of principle and diplopmacy will accept it and say THANKS. Dominica has no issues with the USA BUT as a Dominican by birth opinion does not matter this is why I am saying it.

The United States should STOP using Dominca as a way to engage China. When we NEEDED it and then we were REALLY in great need of a field hospital THEY NEVER gave it – Hurr. Days or weeks prior to the “CHINA SAYS IT WILL OWN THE USA by 2035” then VOILA FIELD HOSPITAL by Southern Military Command.(VERY RELEVANT MILITARY) Do not use this destabalize Dominica’s relationship.

Stop using a small country which has no issues with you as a PAWN in you game of CAT and MOUSE with CHINA.

If the USA wants to challenge China do it on your soil or go to China to do it – THIS IS NOT MILITARY strategy – not dipomatic anything. This is a JOKE


@En Ba LA, With the two Evils of Evils; China and the USA… Dominica is better off with the United States. The PM signed an MOU with the Chinese. No one knows if the country is sold already… The Chinese are using us for their interest. The Americans are trying to prevent that….. Thank God for Dominicans who get the opportunities to study, work and do business in the USA.

Well, you better stay en bas la partner.

Whats crazy is, this “field hospital” made up of mere tents might be more “state of the art” than most of our health centers. can hold 70 beds??? impressive. How many beds can our newest health center hold? In Dominica we like to act like what we have is all we deserve and no better. And if we comment we hate the country. Slave mentality.

Lived in your wretched country with its missionaries spreading stupidity to overly that which was already present, and the filth, crime and racism endemic there for six years. Made contributions. But became disgusted and left.

Are you talking about teh USA or Dominica. My computer is already compromised so I do not care.

I wonder of the Dictator will acknowledge this gift with a thank you to the US. Somehow I doubt it…

Pity we don’t produce real rum anymore, only sugar water with alcohol otherwise he could give them another bottle bois bandee. Is so he likes to insult people.

Well, the dictator keeps getting re-elected with promises of international airport and steam powered electric generation so something does not compute with Dominican voters, whats up with that. Are they being fooled and how?

@Vere Tere, If Pm Dr. Skerrit, Was a Dictator little things like you would not be on this forum making Jack**s of yourselves!

You are sick man, you need to see Dr. Dr. Skerrit. He won’t be able to heal you but he will give you your usual envelope.

And you, man bites dog would be his #2 court jester. Your supervisor would be Lin Clown. He would train you on how to make majee with yourself to entertain your master and his cronies.

And i suppose you are a big thing Man Bites Dogs. laughable. hilarious.

YOUR name speaks for itself… “Earthworm,” why don’t you stay where you belong

You are one of those extremely ignorant people. You willingly swallow Skerrits ‘stutterings’ and then you come on here and regurgitate the nonsense.

He, Lin Clown and Man Bites Dogs are the same person. Its just different levels to ignorance that each personality portrays. If its one thing all these personalities have in common, is that they are highly ignorant and are DLP supporters. They remind me of the slave that the master would give an extra dumpling. he would think he was better than the others.

@Juanita ,”God bless USA” you said? If you are a black person you out to educate yourself about America, though out history that country has dish out pain and sorrows to black people and still doing so today 2021 of course no doubt you are a follower of that so-called opposition jokers what do you know sucker!!!

Now we’r talking, that’s how to make a donation America, go big, show the Chinese. I like that, thank you.

Big? It’s about $US 10 per Dominican. After years of neglect. No US embassy in Dominica. Only waste f time Peace Corps. I am ashamed for my country.

Because the US government owes Dominica for ….?

The largesse of the US isn’t supposed to be in return for something.

how many eastern caribbean countries have a US embassy do tell???

And the US should have embassies in all of them, not merly the few it feels suits its interests.

@Dan Tanner, you said you are ashamed of your your country, my advice to you keep your ahole out of our country and don’t interfere in Dominica’s business smarta**!!!

typical ignorant dlp statement. Sound like those trump republican supporters who tell black americans to go back to africa if they dont like the police brutality.

Dominica made a huge mistake asking for and Britain granting independence. Dominica was much better off as a colony of Britain.

AMEN. On creole day i try to wear either a british or a french t-shirt. I love my island and its people, but we have never been truly independent. Always asking for a handout and making excuses as to why we cannot. At least, with the colonizers, people like Skerrit would have someone to answer to. down here he feels like he owes noone any accountability.

@Bring back the kidnapped parrots I have been saying this and will continue to say it – If it was for some you all, WE would still be SLAVES.”

Read up a little more and you will come across it – when it was said that the blacks were not able to govern themselves.

I do not agree with your concept. I still believe there is a reason why the individuals wanted out.

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