Nowadays crossing the Atlantic Ocean is no longer a great novelty, considering all the boats that do it every year, but this journey does represent a great event, as the Silent 64 is the first series electric boat to cross the Atlantic Ocean. powered mainly by solar energy.
In February 2020, the Silent 64 sailed from Cartagena in Spain to Barbados, passing through the Canary Islands and Cape Verde. On the voyage, which covered 5,500 nautical miles in 34 days, the Silent 64 sailed, most of the time, powered by solar energy.
On sunny days the solar panels provided all the energy necessary to navigate day and night in total silence, as well as to allow the four-person crew to use washing machines, microwaves, heaters, and cookers.
However, due to a week of cloudy skies and rain, in which the Silent 64 had to face winds of between 30 and 40 knots and waves of 8-10 meters, the crew had to travel to use the generator although, even in this adverse weather situation, the generator only started at certain times of the night, using 1,300 liters of fuel throughout the journey.
The Silent 64 was equipped with two 40kW electric motors, 170kWh Lithium-Ion batteries, a 22kW generator and a 1,200-liter fuel tank, while the safety equipment included a tracker, satellite phone, EPIRB, cross-country kit. height, an additional 400 liters of Diesel for the generator and a large number of spare parts. Now the Silent 64 has a successor, the more technologically advanced Silent 60 which, like all the models of this innovative Austrian shipyard, is certified with Category A of the CE to be able to cross the Atlantic, a fundamental aspect for most of the enthusiasts of these technological wonders, which allow you to enjoy the marine environment without leaving a trace.