Unannounced power cuts happen at least a few times a year and often occur at the worst time.If we do not want to be unpleasantly surprised by the energy company, it is worth getting an alternative power source in the form of a power generator.We advise on what to look for when choosing a generator for a single-family house.Before we even start considering buying an aggregate, it is worth considering whether we really need it.If power cuts are frequent and inconvenient for us, disabling essential appliances and systems in the home, then this expense is justified.When choosing a generator model, it is good to start with a list of devices that absolutely require emergency power supply.Usually, the first items on this list are: central heating circulation pump, heating boiler automatics, hydrophore, fridge with freezer, some lighting, possibly garage and entrance gate automation.Each receiver has a rating plate, usually located on the bottom or back of the device.The plate shows the power consumption in watts [W].For example, an electric kettle uses 1.2-2.2 kW depending on the model, a portable heater - 1-2 kW, a drill up to 1 kW, a garage door drive - 0.2 kW.It might seem that after adding up the power demand of the devices to be included in the emergency power supply system, we will get the power value that our generator should have.However, this is not entirely true, because the rating plate shows the average value of energy consumption during operation, which may significantly differ from the maximum possible energy consumption at the time of starting the device.It all depends on which group of devices our receiver belongs to.Therefore, before we define the power of the aggregate, an appropriate oversizing should be made.Resistive loads, which include, among othersordinary light bulbs and electric heaters can have a maximum power requirement of 1.2 times their rated power.A similar conversion rate can be adopted for non-linear receivers, which include energy-saving fluorescent lamps, computer equipment and RTV.The situation is slightly different with inductive receivers, i.e. devices equipped with electric motors (e.g. fridge, washing machine, drill).At start-up, their energy consumption may be several times greater than the value specified on the rating plate.Some of these devices have built-in so-calledsoft start.Nevertheless, on average, it is assumed that such receivers at the time of start-up have a demand for energy 3 times higher than their rated power.The above conditions should be taken into account when determining the power of the aggregate.For example, let's assume that we want to connect a washing machine (rated power 0.6 kW), a heater (2 kW) and a computer (0.2 kW) to the emergency power supply system.We multiply the rated power of the washing machine by 3 (1.8 kW), and the heater and computer by 1.2 (total 2.64 kW).Thus, the generator with which we will power these devices should theoretically have a power of not less than 4.44 kW.Generally, in single-family houses, aggregates with a rated power of 2 kW to 20 kW are used.It is worth remembering that with the power of the generator, its dimensions, price and operating costs increase.Domestic appliances are usually powered by single-phase current (230 V).However, there is a group of high-power consumers that require three-phase current (400 V).This category includes, among othershydrophore sets, kitchens, electric boilers, instantaneous water heaters.Before choosing a generator, it is good to check what type of electricity our receivers are powered by.If the emergency power supply covers only single-phase receivers, then the matter is simple - we buy a generator that produces single-phase electricity.However, it often happens that the aggregate is to handle two types of receivers.Then we have to get a universal three-phase generator, which also enables the connection of single-phase receivers (two sets of sockets).Such a generator should be used according to certain rules.The power of the current drawn from single-phase sockets may not exceed 60% of the power of the entire generator.It is necessary to ensure that in the case of simultaneous supply of single and three-phase loads, the phases are evenly loaded.If we had to connect receivers with a total power of 12 kW, and separate them in the configuration of 2 kW, 2 kW, 8 kW, instead of 4 kW, 4 kW, 4 kW - the load would be unbalanced.If it exceeds the permissible value for a given chiller model, it may be damaged.Each chiller has a different allowable asymmetry.It may range from 10% to 50% (usually around 30%).The more power the generator has, the larger its dimensions are, which should be taken into account when planning its purchase.Usually, such devices are placed in a garage, or in a utility room, where there is often an electrical switchboard and it is easiest to connect the aggregate to the installation.When placing the generator in a building, it must be well ventilated - it is best to discharge the fumes through the chimney - in accordance with the regulations, the cross-sectional area of the exhaust and supply openings should be at least 200 cm2.There must be no flammable materials next to the generator.Some models of aggregates are also suitable for placing outdoors, e.g. on a covered (or not) terrace or balcony.The IP code shows how resistant the device is to the weather.This is a two-digit parameter that defines the generator's resistance to solids (first digit) and water (second digit).For example, if the chiller has the IP23 class, it is resistant to water drops falling at an angle of up to 60 ° (enough under the roof).With IP55, it is resistant even to water jets, which means full resistance to rain, and they are perfect for outdoor use.The power generators available for sale are most often equipped with a gasoline or diesel engine.Some models can also run on LPG or natural gas.A gasoline engine, like in a car, may have a slightly better work culture, but with intensive use of the aggregate, theoretically it is less durable.Interestingly, some diesel generator models are very easy to convert to gas - all you need is a reducer and a small change in the carburetor (even conversion kits are offered).It is a good idea to buy a generator for the fuel that you pour into the car.Thanks to this, it will be easier for us to ensure that it is always fresh, because the aggregate is used occasionally.When choosing a unit, you should also pay attention to the capacity of the fuel tank and the time of work on one refueling - remember that few units can be refueled without shutting down.It is also worth checking if the generator is equipped with a fuel gauge and if it has a catalytic converter to reduce emissions.An important parameter that should be taken into account is the noise level generated by the generator, which can be checked in the specification of the device.Most of the devices available for sale are quite loud, reaching the level of 90-98 dB (95 dB - a passing motorcycle) during operation.However, you can buy built-in devices (and unfortunately correspondingly more expensive), in which the noise level has been reduced to 65-75 dB (70 dB - vacuum cleaner).If the generator is to be placed outside the building, even if it is noisy, it does not matter that much.It is different when it is to be, for example, in a garage.The easiest way to silence the generator is to enclose it, which reduces the noise by up to 20 dB.Some units can be purchased with special silencers that are attached to the cylinder.Each genset is equipped with safety systems that protect it against damage, and people in the vicinity - against electric shock.The basic ones include overload protection, a residual current device protecting against electric shock and magnetic-thermal switches protecting the generator's generators.A separate group of protections are switches or indicators of emergency states of the device, incl.too high engine speed, voltage fluctuations, high coolant temperature, low pressure or oil level, failure of the starter battery or alternator.Some aggregates also report phase asymmetry.The cheapest power generators are started, like most mowers, with a reversing cord.More expensive models can be electrically started, which in turn allows them to work with the automatic reserve actuation system (ATS).When utility power fails, the ATS automatically turns the generator on and then shuts it off when utility power is restored.The ATS can be an integral part of the generator set or can be purchased as an accessory.The easiest way to connect the powered devices to the generator is to use the sockets located on its housing.A more professional solution will be to create a separate closed circuit containing the equipment most in need of emergency power, which should be entrusted to a qualified electrician.The downside of this solution is that we have to switch devices to alternative sockets during a power failure.If the generator is powerful enough, it can be connected to the home electrical system.In this situation, our emergency power supply works with the mains, and the generator is usually connected to the circuit through a 3-phase socket.If the genset is not equipped with the ATS system, the power source switch function can be performed by a 3-position rotary switch, where "I" means mains current, "0" - mains power disconnection and "II" - mains power supply from the genset.The unit cannot be connected to the network alone, a special agreement with the energy company is required.The idea is to prevent a situation where the electricity generated by the generator could get into the power grid and shock the repairing workers.In order for the generator to serve us for years, it must be properly looked after.The device, depending on the manufacturer's recommendations, must be started from time to time (usually once a month for a few minutes), and after working the number of hours specified in the manual, it must be inspected.Periodic inspections are usually recommended after 100 hours of operation for gasoline powered generators and 200 hours for diesel engines.Generators with an electric start and ATS system have batteries, the condition of which should also be checked from time to time.Tomasz Wojciuk opening photo: ElmecoOn 4/08/2022 at 18:28, Gość Andrzej wrote: Well, where is the list of 23 aggregates?39 minutes ago, Guest Jesus Cytrus wrote: Well, where is the list?It is included in additional materials, but it may be invisible, here's the link ...Where's the list of 23 aggregates?Quote from the article Quote Each genset is equipped with safety systems that protect it against damage, and people in the vicinity - against electric shock.The basic ones include overload protection, a circuit breaker protecting against electric shock ...1 hour ago, Tomilee Guest wrote: For a grinder, the sine wave is not so important, but for electronics it is a TV, a computer, etc. Not necessarily so.Series motors will run irrespective of whether direct current or alternating current.Just ...For a grinder, the sine wave is not so important, but for electronics it is a TV, computer, etc.On 18.01.2022 at 06:01, Guest Darek wrote: I am looking for this list of 23 aggregates, which is in the title.Anyone can point?It is included in additional materials, but it may not be visible, I provide a link to the file: https://budujemydom.pl/files/cjz/6318-bd9_13_140_141.pdfI am looking for this list of 23 aggregates, which is in the title.Anyone can point?54 minutes ago, vlad1431 wrote: But just out of curiosity, is there a problem with the fact that the aggregate has a different sine wave without unnecessary electronics, such as a grinder or a drill?It may not be, but when, for example, you attach to it yet ...But just out of curiosity, is a simple receiver, such as a grinder or a drill, not a problem with the fact that the aggregate has a different sine wave?That only those more packed with electronics can have a problem?I used to work on the border of Krakow, at Zakopiańska Street ...17 minutes ago, Guest Egon wrote: SOMEONE PROFESSIONAL TO ME IT CLARLY THANKS Nothing of it, bro.Not because I don't want to, but because I can't.The reason is the ignorance of the voltage waveforms supplying the receivers.Because only the public network ...Nice article, but I don't have details. ,,, near the fridge, pump every 60W ,, TV 30W NP SOME THERE A LED 10W BULB EXACTLY WHAT IS THE TOTAL CURRENT CONSUMPTION THERE WILL BE ENOUGH FOR ANY AGGREGATE THEN I WILL KNOW WHAT I WILL FIND THAT I WILL FIND IT IT'S SO MUCH OF COURSE ...Nice specific article, lots of interesting stuff.I am looking for a generator at a reasonable price for a plot to power the fridge and TVGive me a good aggregate so that the concrete mixer works and in the future, connect the plastering machine at a good priceI am looking for a light unit, up to 10 kg, to connect a mercury-incandescent mix bulb (160 Watt) (shining at night butterflies). Not too expensive and easy to use. Why light?@ retrofood Well, maybe it turned out that way :) but it works for me, I recommend it heh.37 minutes ago, Guest Daniel wrote: I bought it cheap and good, so I recommend it.Kraftwele KW3500 for PLN 800.It has a 3.5 KW 230 and 400V socket.Two days and I had a cheap and good allegro on the spot, i.e. quality wine like a brand of wine.I bought it cheap and good, so I recommend it.Kraftwele KW3500 for PLN 800.It has a 3.5 KW 230 and 400V socket.Two days and I had an allegro on the spotI warn everyone before buying SINGZ gensets - first of all, it's crap, a generator without AVR regulation, a "crap" engine without a serial number.Oil leak during first start-up (Singz SL-1B genset).The seller of Singz aggregates from Ząbkowice Śląskie is a smart guy who does not respect ...There is no need to wonder about a bad aggregate.I know that my husband had an unpleasant experience with a market screwdriver, which should be very strong, but it turned out to be a lame.When it comes to aggregates up to PLN 3,000, you can safely recommend the kruzer brand.If we have a larger budget, or if the aggregates are intended for professional use, you should think about the fogo or Honda brand.Good brands include pramac or eindress.For ...In my opinion, there is nothing to buy supermarkets.It is worth investing in a kruzer, especially since they are not expensive at all.And they have a good service, I found out for myselfI will not agree that it is worth buying a generator in a supermarket.I used to have a castorama aggregate for sale, a banal matter, my shredder was damaged.unfortunately the part is not available.Now I use the aggregate (I bought it on the Allegro).The seller also runs a service of aggregates so that there is no ...Personally, I have been using the generator for a year.I use it as an emergency power supply for a stove with a central heating pump, a refrigerator and lighting in the house when there is no electricity.I am satisfied.Earlier I had a Chinese, some kraftwelle, but it was poor in terms of quality, it lasted only half a year.the aggregate for the house is used maybe once or twice a year and you are making a statement starting from PLN 15,000, I think it has kicked someone.And there aren't many cheaper chinioli up to, for example, 3,000?please make a list in the range of PLN 1000-3000.there are a lot of videos on YouTube with aggregate tests, e.g. 4.5kW ...It is profitable to buy an aggregate at a military sale.Equipment of high quality, which Kitajcy will not achieve for a long time and cheap.Some of these generator sets are just terribly expensive.It's best to buy such things in large DIY stores.The table is below the article in the additional materials in PDF.We had technical problems and it was not visible, so to be sure I will provide a link to the file: https://budujemydom.pl/files/cjz/6318-bd9_13_140_141.pdfApparently, the table has escaped somewhere, but in the paper edition of the BD monthly, there was a table with a list of aggregates.Well, the list of aggregates is missing ..... aggregatesWell, where are these 23 aggregates?Unannounced power cuts happen at least a few times a year and often occur at the worst time.If we do not want to be unpleasantly surprised by the energy company, it is worth getting an alternative power source in the form of an aggregate ...Home, Garden and InteriorsMusic and Sound