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Solution allows homeowners to participate in demand response programs offered by utility companies, power cooperatives as well as off-grid use.
MILWAUKEE , April 11, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Briggs & Stratton is pleased to annou
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All 29 billion coins in circulation in the UK have the Queen's head on them
Major players in the gas generator sets market are Cummins, Briggs & Stratton Corporation, Kohler, Generac Power Systems, Caterpillar, HIMOINSA, Mahindra Powerol, Genmac, Aggreko, Eaton, Champion Power E
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JMG has been in Nigeria’s power sector for over two decades. The firm is in the process of transforming into a solutions provider to meet the ever-changing needs of its customers. In this interview, RABI JAMMAL, Group General Manager of JMG Limited reviews the company’s performance and its
FlyFocus specialises in the design and production of UAVs for the civilian market and law enforcement. Applications include monitoring of sensitive areas, such as borders, power stations or military installations. However, its products are also found in areas as diverse as highway monitoring a
The Pentagon is set to spend $332 Million on drone defense.
Cheap drones are a deadly problem with an expensive solution for the U.S. military.
With devastating effect, ISIS has rigged store-bought drones to drop grenades and serve as kamikaze bombers strapped with RPG warheads.
Justice Mojisola Dada of a Special Offences Court sitting in Ikeja, Lagos, has sentenced a United Kingdom (UK) ex-convict, Ahmed Soetan to a year imprisonment for defrauding Radisson Blu Hotel of N4.4 million.
The trial judge sentenced Soetan after he pleaded guilty to a one-count amend
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Gareth Butterfield takes the Jackery Solar Generator 1000 setup on an off-grid camping trip
Portable solar generators continue to be big business, after a year that saw thousands of people snapping up solutions for power in the great outdoors.
And portable power specialists Jacker