The official Government and Legal notices for today [June 10] include notice of intention to construct a controlled plant, acting appointments, road sobriety checkpoint notice, notification of planning applications registered and elections.
Clean Air Act Paget Health Services Ltd
Pursuant to Part II of the Clean Air Rules 1993,
application has been made to the Environmental Authority for a permit to construct a controlled plant as follows:
7 Point Finger Road, Paget DV04
One 2000 kW diesel-fired generator with silencer to provide interim electrical supply during power outages.
This application is available for inspection at the Department of Environment and Natural Resources during normal working hours. Any person wishing to object to the proposed plant may, within 14 days of the date of this publication, lodge their objection with the Department of Environment and Natural Resources, 169 South Road, Paget DV 04. Letters of objection must state the name and address of the objector; the grounds of the objection; whether the objector has an interest in land near to that which the application relates; and be signed by the objector.
Acting Deputy Commissioner Of Police
Her Excellency the Governor, Ms. Rena Lalgie has appointed Assistant Commissioner of Police, Mr. Martin Weekes BSc [Hons], CMgr, FCMI as Acting Deputy Commissioner of Police for the period 11/06/22 to 24/07/22 inclusive.
Dated this 10th day of June 2022
Road Sobriety Checkpoint [No. 6] Notice 2022
The Assistant Commissioner of Police, in compliance with the requirement of section 35BD[1] of the Road Traffic Act 1947, gives the following Notice:
Road Sobriety Checkpoint Notice 2022 [PDF here]
List of Proposed Planning Applications Advertised on June 10, 2022
Listing Of Plan Applications Registered [For Advertisement]
Applications Advertised on June 10, 2022. This list was printed on June 10, 2022.
Objections to applications must be received within 14 days of the date advertised [June 24, 2022]
The applications shown below are available for review on the EnerGov Customer Self Service Portal
[], or during normal working hours at the
Department of Planning, 5th Floor, Dame Lois Browne Evans Building, 58 Court Street, Hamilton HM 12.
Letters of objection should state any interest which the objector[s] may have in property nearby, supply an address
at which notice may be served on the objector[s], and provide a concise statement of the grounds of the objection.
For further information on the objection procedure see the Development and Planning [Applications Procedure] Rules
S0017‑22 William Adcock 12 & 14 Cedarcraft Lane Sandys MA02 Proposed Boundary Adjustment. [Final Approval]
P0194‑22 Roger Titterton 86 South Road Southampton SN02 Proposed New Entry Addition, Excavation and Landscape works, New Boundary Retaining Walls [Max Height 12 ft. 8 in.] and Planters, Resurface Driveway with new Bridge Overhead and New Pedestrian Entry with 5 ft. High Gate. [Final Approval]
S0016‑22 Declan Mckervey 144 & 142 Harbour Road Paget PG05 Proposed Boundary Adjustment. [Final Approval]
P0210‑22 Granite Management 10 Harrington Sound Road Smiths FL07 Proposed Dock House [Storage + Outdoor Shower]. [Listed Building Site] [Final Approval]
The Governor is pleased to appoint Mr. Junior C.D. Watts, to act as the Ombudsman for Bermuda for the period 17th June to 24th June 2022 inclusive.
HE Ms. Rena Lalgie, Governor
Extraordinary Municipal Election Notice CoS
[As Modified By The Municipalities [Election] Order 2015]
Notice Of Publication Of Municipal Register
Notice is given that, in accordance with section 26A [1] [b] of the Parliamentary Election Act 1978, as modified by the Municipalities [Election] Order 2015, copies of the municipal residents’ register for the municipality of St. George’s are available for inspection from 10 June 2022 at Town Hall St. George’s, Corporation of St. George’s, St. George’s Post Office and the Parliamentary Registrar’s Office on the 3rd floor of Craig Appin House, Hamilton.
Objections to the registration of any person whose name is entered on the municipal residents’ register for the municipality of St. George’s must be delivered to the Parliamentary Registrar not later than seven days after the publication of this notice. The grounds for such objections must be in writing and accompanied by a deposit of five dollars [$5].
Objections by any person that his name has been irregularly omitted from such register or that particulars relating to his name are incomplete or inaccurate must be delivered to the Parliamentary Registrar not later than seven days after the publication of this notice. The grounds for such objections must be in writing and accompanied by a deposit of five dollars [$5].
Acting Appointment: Permanent Secretary, Ministry Of Legal Affairs And Constitutional Reform
Gina Hurst-Maybury, Director, Department of Court Services has been appointed to act as Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Legal Affairs and Constitutional Reform from 20th June, 2022 to 24th June, 2022.
Derrick S. Binns, JP, Ph.D. Head of the Public Service
Acting Appointment: Permanent Secretary, Ministry Of Public Works
Kirk E. Outerbridge, Chief Engineer, Department of Works and Engineering has been appointed to act as Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Public Works from June 13, 2022 to June 14, 2022.
Derrick S. Binns, JP, Ph.D. Head of the Public Service
The official notices above have been republished from the relevant section on the official Government website. If you wish to view ‘hard copies’, the Department of Libraries & Archives prints them and you can visit the main library on Queen Street or the Government Archives in the Government Administration Building on Parliament Street to view them.
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