A new hydrogen power generator unit known as the ‘Power Tower’ is aimed at displacing fossil fuel generators, according to its developer.
Building sites and other temporary applications could use the device instead of diesel generators as they come under increasing pressure to reduce carbon emissions, said Surrey firm AFC Energy.
Designed for modular deployment and ease of transportation, the 10kW system is made up of four 2.5kW air-cooled fuel cell stacks, configured in series. AFC said it can achieve full power within 30 seconds of start-up.
Initially operating on hydrogen fuel, the Power Tower will be integrated with methanol reformer technology later this year to enable a flexible approach to fuelling.
The Power Tower design has been configured for high-volume manufacturing, with final assembly taking at AFC’s Dunsfold Campus.
The first unit will be on display at the company’s Annual General Meeting on 7 April, before it is released.
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