Two months the communication network (Cellular/Internet) was completely lost in Simeulue Regency, the cause of the network installation from the Telkomsel Provider was fatal damage, namely the disconnection of the Fiber Optic cable in the middle of the sea between Baungan and Simeulue Island, this damage was caused by an earthquake that occurred earlier.Meanwhile, while waiting for the repair of the broken Fiber Optic cable, Telkomsel and the Simeulue Regional Government are collaborating to find solutions and alternatives so that the communication network which is the primary need of all parties can be resolved.Raising Billions of Rupiah from PTSL Extortion, Cibuntu Village Head Arrested by the Bekasi District Attorney's OfficeCase of Alleged Adultery of South OKU ASN Persons Threatened to Fire?The Head of the Kominsa Service of Simeulue Regency, Misrahudin, SE and Secretary of the Transportation Service, Ocktof Razoki Marines, S.STP, M.Si together with a team of Telkomsel technicians directly delivered the new Diesel Generator for electricity to the Tower Base Transceiver Station (BTS) Telkomsel on Babi Island using KM.Banawa Nusantara 26 belonging to the Transportation Service of Simeulue Regency by covering a distance of 60 nautical miles from the port of Kolok Sinabang, on Thursday (08/09).The obstacles faced were quite difficult and high risk that the teams who went to Pulau Babi, KM had to face.Banawa Nusantara 26 carrying equipment with a fairly heavy weight could not dock directly to the shoreline due to the absence of port facilities and high waves at the location, the Head of Kominsa and the entire technical team as well as the crew of the ship worked together to lift and move equipment from the ship to the mainland. transit by using a Speed Boat.For two days and two nights, the team worked optimally until the installation of the generator and other equipment was installed at the Pulau Babi BTS Shelter Tower which has a height of 95 meters.To note, the Tower which is located on Babi Island is the main BTS of Satlink Telkomsel signal transmission from mainland Sumatra Island to Simeulue Island."With the BTS Tower on Pulau Babi activated and functioning optimally, we hope that it will be a solution and alternative to dealing with current network constraints, indeed its strength and capacity are not like using Fiber Optic cables but can handle our network needs while waiting for Fiber cable repairs. The optics were damaged and broken, we from the Simeulue Regional Government helped Telkomsel replace the damaged generator engine so that this tower could function again," said the Head of Kominsa Simeulue Regency to Wartasidik.Meanwhile, from the Diesel Generator Tower BTS technician, Pulau Babi explained, "The electricity capacity in this tower is 20 KVA from the current new engine and is assisted by six Li-ion Batteries with a capacity of 600. MA and Solar Cells which will alternate with each other. In supplying electricity to the Tower, hopefully with the support of this new generator, Telkomsel's signal, especially in the city of Sinabang and its surroundings, can return to normal while waiting for the repair of the broken Fiber Optic cable," he explained.Please note that at this time, the Telkomsel provider is working to repair the Fiber Optic cable which was damaged and cut off in the middle of the sea due to the previous earthquake, using a special ship for the only Fiber Optic cable technician in Indonesia, which is expected to be repaired by the end of September. This is according to the delivery of the General Manager of Telkomsel Aceh Region some time ago in Banda Aceh.(WS-Simeulue – South Star)