FWC Law Enforcement Report: Fishing And Boating Violations : NorthEscambia.com

2022-08-13 14:19:00 By : Mr. Wenliang Shao

The Florida FWC Division of Law Enforcement reported the following recent activity:

Officers Cushing, Land and Bower were patrolling both state and federal waters of the Gulf of Mexico. Several miles away they observed an Alabama charter vessel in Florida state waters holding in the same location consistent with bottom fishing. Upon approach, the vessel turned in a different direction. When officers contacted the captain, he stated that he was having generator issues. The officers determined that there was red snapper on board during the closed season. They also determined that the passengers on board were fishing at that location. Further investigation and interviews revealed that the captain directed the deckhand to throw a fishing rod overboard to attempt to prevent the officers from realizing they were actively fishing. The captain was cited for the violation.

Officers Land and Cushing were on patrol in state waters of the Gulf of Mexico south of Pensacola working a detail targeting illegal red snapper harvest. Throughout their four days of patrolling, Officers Land and Cushing issued eight resource citations. Seven were for closed season red snapper and one to an Alabama charter captain that was actively fishing in Florida state waters without a Florida charter license.

Officers Cushing, Land and Bower were patrolling both state and federal waters of the Gulf of Mexico. They conducted several resource inspections south of Pensacola and located individuals in possession of red snapper during closed season. Citations were issued to persons on board two of the vessels for being in possession of red snapper.

Officer Cushing conducted a marine resource inspection of a vessel returning to the boat ramp. Officer Cushing questioned the fisherman and he stated that he had one small redfish. The officer asked him what the size limit was, and the fisherman stated 17 inches to 27-inch slot limit. Officer Cushing asked how big his fish was and the individual responded, “26 inches”. An inspection of the fish and measurement revealed the fish to be 34.5 inches. A citation was issued for the violation.

Officer Corbin received a complaint of a derelict vessel in Maquis Bayou. Officer Corbin located the vessel, and it was approximately 30 percent sunk and sitting on bottom. The vessel was previously tied off to the shoreline and appeared abandoned. Officer Corbin located the registered owner of the vessel, who was unaware his vessel had sunk and had not been checking on his vessel for some time. The registered owner has no means to remove the vessel and was issued a notice to appear citation for storing a derelict vessel on state waters. The registered owner was also cited for the vessel having expired registration, over 6 months, and warned for failure to update the address on the vessel registration.

Officer Corbin was on patrol at Shoreline boat ramp when he observed a subject operating a personal watercraft (PWC) carelessly around other vessels and in a congested area. The operator retuned to the boat ramp and pulled the vessel from the water. The operator had difficulty backing the trailer down the boat ramp and was not wearing a life jacket while operating the PWC. Officer Corbin contacted the operator and conducted a boating safety inspection. Throughout the inspection the operator’s movements were slow, he could not remember where he had placed items, he had bloodshot and watery eyes, and a moderate odor of alcohol coming from his breath. During the inspection the operator advised he had medical marijuana on board and had smoked marijuana within the hour. The operator provided a plastic tube containing marijuana that was not sealed nor labeled as medical marijuana. The operator agreed to conduct Standard Field Sobriety Tasks (SFST) and showed numerous clues of impairment throughout the tasks. The operator was placed under arrest for Boating Under the Influence (BUI). The operator was charged with operating a vessel with an unlawful breath alcohol level, possession of marijuana under 20 grams, and possession of drug paraphernalia. The operator was also cited for careless operation and not wearing a life jacket while operating a PWC.

One Response to “FWC Law Enforcement Report: Fishing And Boating Violations”

Can someone please tell me why we are told by authorities to “stay off the bridge pilon platforms” while in the bay. We sometimes take our boat out into the bay and tie up under 3 Mile and get up onto the concrete platform. We sit up there and fish and do no harm to anyone or anything. Game Warden comes along and says “you can’t be on the platform”….. why? I just want to know WHY? It is VERY nice on the concrete…… pad…..like parking on beachfront.

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Written by William Reynolds · Filed Under FRONT FEATURE 

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