He will find you, so there's no use hiding.
In Dead by Daylight, every killer has a unique method of killing, such as setting traps or using knives to take down survivors. It is very important to play through all of the killers to find out which one works best with your playstyle, as not everyone will suit every player.
That also does not mean you can just get into the shoes of any killer by default, though. Every killer needs a different set of perks and builds to operate well.
The Wraith, also known as Philip Ojomo, was an immigrant to the United States who took a job in a scrapyard. After discovering that he had been compressing cars with people inside, he lost his mind and pulled his boss’ head and spine from his body. As one of the original killers, Wraith is known to be one of the easiest to control.
Perks such as Predator, Bloodhound, and Shadowborn make him very effective at tracking down Survivors. He is arguably one of the best killers for hunting survivors and can be incredibly frightening to play against. It is important that you take advantage of his silent movements if you wish to play as him.
Below we’ve highlighted the best builds you can use as The Wraith.
Different perks make each killer more effective, even if they come from other killers’ blood webs. It’s necessary to have perks from other killers to use the builds below.
Wraith was one of the first killers and was marketed as one of the easiest to use, so this build is intended for beginners. Even though this build is intended for beginners, anyone can use it regardless of their style preferences. The build below won’t hold you back, but it won’t be as good as the other builds below. It is versatile, but it isn’t as useful as one designed for a specific style of play. You can use this build to learn the moves of Wraith and figure out which style you prefer.
With this build, the Wraith will be exactly what is needed to kill survivors, which is all you need at first.
This next build capitalizes on what makes the Wraith great: his speed and effectiveness at close range. The Wraith’s weaknesses, like fatigue, cannot be compensated for. This Wraith has a smaller stun duration, making him better in chases. Any time you kill a Survivor, nearby survivors will scream, revealing their positions. Any work done by the generators nearby will also be rendered useless when they explode and regress. Additionally, whenever you hook a survivor, you can see the auras of others nearby.
This Wraith build is made for players who want to really roleplay as a true Wraith. Playing it feels like you’re the killer in a horror movie. Your Survivors will bleed more effectively and can fall over if untreated. Any injured, downed, or hooked survivors gain a stackable penalty for repairing, cleansing, and sabotaging. Whenever a generator isn’t repaired, it will regress and become more damaged over time. Regressing generators will have a white aura, and when they are being repaired, they will be highlighted in yellow for up to 16 seconds. Generators being repaired up to 8 meters away will also be audible.
This Wraith build is meant for players who want to remove their enemies quickly and get away. You can go around the map and cause massive chaos and destruction without worrying about Survivors adapting too quickly. An aura will appear around a generator whenever two or more survivors are working on it. You’ll also be able to see whenever a Survivor is healing their friends. When you injure, almost kill, or hook a survivor, they’ll receive a stackable penalty for cleansing, sabotaging, and repairing. Survivors you have injured will bleed harder and more rapidly, causing them to lose blood at a rate that will force them to get healed or die.
This is arguably the best Wraith build just because it works so well with the killer. The three furthest generators from you will be blocked at the start of the game. When you pick up a survivor, all generators not currently being worked on will be blocked for 16 seconds by The Entity. This is enough time to hook a survivor and find another, which is even better because the other survivor’s auras nearest to you will be revealed to you for four seconds. Finally, if any Survivors manage to finish a generator, The Entity will block the next generator that is closest to completion for up to 30 seconds. Since you’re so fast, you can really get survivors with this build.