Taking a break from his book, “How to Gain Enemies and Encourage Hostility,” [FPS Weapons] shows us how to build our own handheld EMP generator which can be used to generate immediate dislike from anyone working on something electronic at the hackerspace.
The device is pretty simple. A DC source, in this case an 18650 lithium battery cell, sends power to an “Ultra High Voltage 1000kV Ignition Coil” (as the eBay listing calls it), when a button is pressed. A spark gap is used to dump a large amount of magic pixies into the coil all at once, which generates a strong enough magnetic pulse to induce an unexpected voltage inside of a piece of digital electronics. This usually manages to fire a reset pin or something equivalent, disrupting the device’s normal operation.
While you’re not likely to actually damage anything in a dramatic way with this little EMP, it can still interrupt an important memory write or radio signal and damage it that way. It’s a great way to get the absolute shock of your life if you’re not careful. Either from the HVDC converter or the FCC fines. Video after the break.
Would have been funnier if every time he stabbed the button, his camera reset. :D
Or if all electronic device in his home ceased working after his first try!
This is why the ones that work really good don’t end up on youtube…. no record of the test… builder takes a while to save up for new camera, phone, PC, cable modem, wifi router… … …
Pro-tip, film it on a wind up 8mm in an old quarry with only the equipment you want to destroy on hand, and your vehicle parked well back from the lip… :-D
or use a faraday cage
faraday cage is for RF, EMP isn’t RF. ( hint: “R” = Radio & “F” = Frequency )
A West is wrong. You can use a faraday cage. It’s literally for blocking electromagnetic fields and last time I checked ElectroMagnetic Pulses belong in the electromagnetic fields category
Faraday cages are built for specific ranges of frequencies (bandwidth) of RF energy. I suppose you could call solid walls of metal, totally surrounding the object, a cage. But normally “cages” allow visibility of the object being held. An EMP is a “pulse” which means a single burst of one cycle.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t RF a part of the electromagnetic spectrum? So theoretically a properly configured faraday cage could work, no?
West, EMP isn’t magic. A pulse or RF emission is still done by exciting the magic pixies to radiate from some sort of antenna. RF and EMP are both governed by electromagnetic principles. Same goes for light, just much higher freqs. Where the faraday cage breaks down is a pulse is comprised of many frequencies, which will cause leakage.
Put the coil in a parabolic antenna with EM shielding around and slightly past it, then only point the device in the direction opposite of your camera?
“Become very popular… if you want to become popular with law enforcement!” We don’t need no stinking strain relief! Facepalm indeed.
Meh. The FCC doesn’t care. An article in a recent issue of QST told of a report of interferance so bad that it disabled nearby cell phones. It was reported to the FCC, who simply ignored it.
Somewhere a while back I read an article on an area that was experiencing cellular outages at routine intervals, interfering with emergency communications. Finally turned out to be some old guy with a super powerful cell jammer in his car because he was tired of people driving while on their phones. Obviously I don’t care enough to find the article but I don’t think they jailed the old guy, just a firm chastising and seizure of the equipment.
This happened in Orlando, FL on the Interstate 4 corridor. Don’t remember the punishment though.
“FCC is asking that Humphreys pay $48,000 for unauthorized operation of a jammer” – CNET
How did he possibly get caught?
They should come standard on motorcycles
I think you are referring to the village in Wales where everyday at exactly 7am people all around the village lost their internet. The cause was an old TV this one person would turn on to catch the morning news and turn it off after. It took them a long time and cost them a lot of money is equipment replacement and cable replacement before tracking down the cause.
Here is the link to the article https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-wales-54239180
Every night I’m literally just a few inches short of being physically attacked by drones I’m really tired of it I’m trying to figure out some way to stop them with a frequency something I can afford any way any ideas
Duckduckgo ‘Tunable Wave Maser Weapon’, enjoy!
Simple: Though not so cheap. Buy several radio control transmitters. The FCC regulates all public airwaves in the United States. The FCC has designated the range of frequencies between (72.010 – 72.990)MHz for radio controlled aircraft. By law RC channels are required to “accept interference. So when they come around…. Turn your transmitters on and wiggle the sticks. Whatever one messes up their flight is the channel they are on. You either take control (your closer) or crash them. ;-) #privacyenforced
Almost all RC’s run on 2.4 now and the receiver binds to the transmitter when they’re installed. Thats why we can have 800+ people at an RC event and no one gets interference
It was probably the NSA, When the NSA stripped and rebuild a semiconductor factory near my house years ago, all of our RF equipment, (garage-door openers, cell phones, TV remote) started to work/not work at different times without explanation. It coincided with the building being completed and it just was obvious it was them since no one was doing anything about it.
And for the brainiacs asking how we knew it was the NSA who moved into the building, they were recruiting interns from the high school, and if you have ever seen the security around a top secret government facility, you just know. its unlike any other installation.
I’ve been looking into the future A.I.s, We will need to build these for human defense against them.
Isn’t the electric field generated by a coil proportional to the CURRENT? Bumping up the voltage helps overcome things like coil resistance, but adding a high voltage capacitor to increase current might help too. It would be interesting to see some measurements of peak E & M field strengths at some interesting distance to determine the effectiveness of the design. A spectrum analysis would be interesting to show where the bulk of the power resides in the frequency domain.
The coil’s function is to modulate the frequency of the spark gap’s output, and the capacitance controls the power output. The spark gap itself is the only thing radiating EM. The only reason this infernal gadget works is by screwing up this power circuits in his devices with the magnetic induction from that coil. Who knows what frequencies the spark gap is emanating, but I’m sure is would at least jam someone’s Blue Tooth headphones from right beside them – until they notice the loud sound coming from the strange gadget in your hand.
Exactly, this isn’t an ‘EMP’ as implied… Boo
Ah, I hadn’t considered that. I knew the spark gap was throwing off interference, but actually have no idea how a sufficiently large EM pulse would be generated.
Some nuclear ordnance will do the job sufficiently proper.
There are non nuclear EMP devices, google for a “flux compression generator”. But still a one way device, as it needs high explosives to work.
The device in this article seems to be more of a poorly understood and tuned spark gap transmitter. Probably the air core coil resonates with the output capacitor of the “megavolt” HV generator. Up to now I have seen similar devices advertised as “400kV”. Which would already need insulation thicknesses of ~13mm of epoxy or similar and not <0,5mm of PVC wire insulation. From the spark length of ~1cm you could estimate roughly 20kV.
So to get some higher voltage at least you should add a tesla coil secondary and treat or modify the air core output coil as the primary :-) Can need some additional primary capacitance.
The last real world EMP design I saw involved destroying it’s inductor on activation. This was a nice seconday tesla coil size coil that an expendable component kinda like ammo. It used a fine silver wire that the would vaporize under the high current. This part was in a container with a suppressing medium like sand to prevent the plasma from continuing to conduct and make a sharper impulse. It would make EMPs that actually ruined electronics,not reset them. With that in mind, this is extra disappointing. Although I guess some ne’er-do-well could give someone a bad day if the person happened to use electronic locks.
there are some EMP devices that use explosives instead of a vaporizing wire as well, they can have similar effects.
This was based off those. I believe the intent was for it to be mostly reusable to reduce the cost per use.
I strongly suspect that if you look at the spark gap, the coil, and the stray capacitance you will see oscillation and that this is a broad band, fairly modest, transmitter. We used to make them in ancient times with an LM305 to regulate 5V and a 7400 chip with the NAND gates connected in a loop to oscillate. They ran at the max rate the process could handle and the less than squarish waveform had harmonics of all sorts. It would screw up any broadcast TV and radio within 20 feet or so. http://www-emt.tu-ilmenau.de/ukolos/largerimage/sparkgap.php
An EMP would be a lot different, at least nuclear bomb type, since it is an excitation then decay in surrounding air molecules (they won’t work in space, only a certain altitude range where density is right). Someone correct me if there is any oscillation. As far as I know, an EMP is more like a rectangular function or Gaussian pulse.
Your description is almost accurate. Do not forget the Compton effect and many other factors shown on the following web site. http://lagridcoalition.org — Looking for folks that can redo 1974 Fortran “nuclear”r equations into Python or C++ or C# or Visual Studio or Code:Blocks ( about 2 pages ). Equations are in a doctoral Thesis.
Could be possible to give a look to the doctoral Thesis?
I would be glad to take a look at that if you can post a link to the thesis you mention.
It says on wikipedia that the EMP from a nuke includes both an electric and magnetic field whereas I think these coil devices only produce a magnetic field.
This is not very much different from the first radios made. It’s just a spark gap transmitter that blasts out white noise which over powers radios in it’s area. While technically an EMP, you’re not going to be frying most electronics.
I know this post is four years old but I will comment anyway.
I think the reason for having a high voltage is to induce in the coil and high but short duration current and that current flowing thru the coil will produce a magnetic field. I don’t think electric fields are applicable to the purpose of this circuit. Two formulas are important, Formula 1: A = dV/dt and Formula 2 : B = u0 * A / 2 * pi * r where: A is current in amperes, dV is change in voltage, dt is change in time, B is magnetic field strength, u0 is a constant, r is radius of the coil and you know what “pi” is.
A very rapid change in voltage (the higher the voltage, the bigger “dV” will be, will produce a very short duration high current in the coil per formula 1. Plug that current into formula B and the result is a magnetic field that will expand then collapse very rapidly. This will induce a current in the circuit of the target device to be disrupted.
I would advise against building this. Think of the people with pacemakers, or other electrical implants.
I agree. This is bad mojo… using spark gaps have been outlawed in the US for almost 90 years now for good reason.
my tig welder was made in the 90’s it has a spark gap, cars prior to the distributors used spark gaps, spark plugs still use spark gaps.
you may be right, but your phrasing is wrong.
isnt a welder practically a spark gap? only real difference is you poke a metal stick or wire into it every now and again.
Most Tig welding, save aluminium and magnesium, is done with DC. The spark gap he is referring to is used by the high frequency start circuit…it uses a low power high voltage arc to start the high power voltage welding arc. I have seen the HF start glitch mp3 players and phones before…didn’t seem to happen with the HF start turned off.
Take it a step further – my MIG, TIG, stick AND plasma cutter are all very high power spark gaps! There’s a brutal amount of sparking going on inside the above mentioned distributor cap (the rotor never contacts the cap leads).
I don’t know if they “technically” fall under the category of spark gaps, but I do know that a single welder can interrupt numerous amateur radio bands from hundreds of feet away. Technically, it is the spark-gap transmitting radio that was outlawed 90 years ago, not spark-gaps of all kinds. The reason they were outlawed is because a single one could occupy a huge portion of radio spectrum, and the new (at that time) vacuum tube based CW transmitters could be tuned much more tightly and therefor caused less interference across the entire radio spectrum in use at that time, allowing for more (particularly commercial) users in the same amount of spectrum. Source: 400 Meters and Down by Clinton DeSoto (as far as I remember it).
Yes. A colleague of mine has a pacemaker and while working in a metal processing company he avoids walking through the wielding section or at least tell the workers not to roll up their spark wielders’ cables in coil. Which is what his doc told him. True story.
All those welders are more like an DC or low frequency AC current through a conducting plasma, which is very different from the large di/dt in spark gap (-transmitters).
old fashioned radio transmitters only ran at speeds up to 1 mhz, so i will take your word for it that a welder wont be as much of a problem, that said anyone who has welded close enough to a radio will tell you that they do indeed put out a reasonable signal, enough to affect radios in close proximity at least.
The conducting plasma behaves as a negative resistance and excites (parasitic) tuned circuits. In a spark gap transmitter this is the primary function. But how to tell the hot plasma in a welding arc not to do this? :-) The cables have inductance and capacitance. Probably the Q is lower, so it is more wideband noise.
The most important part: In a spark gap transmitter, a lot of the design goes into blowing the plasma away and interrupting the spark. A hot plasma has a fairly low resistance and will remain conducting between the 120 pulses per second from a 60Hz AC arc welder. So some noise, yes, but strong oscillations, no.
A spark gap oscillator works by either the capacitor charging up, then discharging through the coil with the spark acting as a switch, or by dumping power into a capacitor/inductor circuit with again the spark gap acting as a switch.
In the first, the ringing (oscillation) occurs during the first part of the presence of the arc.
In the second, the ringing (oscillation) only starts when the arc goes out.
Nikola Tesla designed spark gaps that used a magnetic field created by the current to blow the arc out. Rotary spark gaps break the arc by moving the points away from each other. Sometimes compressed air is used. Or a couple of permanent magnets set up a field across the arc, forcing the arc out of the gap as it forms.
I think he meant spark gap transmitters, you know set up to transmit with an antenna.
I found this module on amazon and eBay
Haha, Genius., I was working on a driver for a coil a while back and gave up as while tuning it I kept causing my mouse, USB and keyboard to lock up and drop out. was not as simple as this one. Oh and because it was Arduino driven you can imagine the fun there.
haha this is the same reason my gf won’t let me play with plasma anymore while she’s playing video games: every time I try to oscillate a field it knocks her gamepad offline
But…but plasma speakers rock!
A driver for what kind of coil? Driving it for what purpose? If you merely want to activate a solenoid or relay, you must put a diode across the coil to absorb the current when the coil is switched off.
This could be the answer to my prayers will this knock out car stereos? Looking for a hack to knock them out for assholes who blast car radios outside a nuisance business at all hours. I’m not an engineer, but I am really good at following instructions.
Or for more fun to prove your point pull out a water pistol and rigorously spray their vehicle, when the laughing starts hold up a can of Polystripper in the other hand, grin and drive off … of course dont actually use the paint stripper as mostly death from llead particles appearing in and around your head may shorten your funtime. ]:op
Or totally disrupt a vehicle driven by a person who drives 80 in a 50 zone where there is a good mix of children and elderly. Said driver does not know what stop signs are for.
We’ve seen the chip whisperer so is this the chip shouter? (By virtue of imprecicely introducing glitches at range)…
The coil winding around the box screw holders is a hack by itself!
Don’t be surprised if your phone/computer stops working correctly. :/
All I can say is I was sad when the camera didn’t die
… and suddenly I started thinking of it as a “phone-b-gone” and it began to make sense….
But one that only seems to work from a few cm away, so it’s not that subtle.
Ive read about these being used on gambling machines to mess up the bill counter, giving extra credits to the player.
Some 10-30 years ago I have read that somebody used e piezoelectric lighter to trick a payphone to “count” additional coins.
Well, 30 years ago we would epoxy a string to the side of a coin to get free phone time. This worked all the way through university. Flat rate killed it.
Yes, used to do it on space invaders machines by taking off the covering of the snout of a piezo stove lighter and poking the insulated wire down the coin slot, thinking at the time was the arc across the coin “contacts” was bridging the circuit.
Interesting point is could never get it to work on pinball machines.
Few days ago someone asked on the electronics forum I visit how to make such a device, named slot machine jammer. It was just a single transistor CW transmitter with loosely coupled antenna via transformer wound over two 9V batteries. It actually works on some slot machines. If they are at least 20 years old. On related note I tested once zapping old payphone with piezoelectric lighter to get free calls. Worked only with very old one that had classic dial – one had to remove cover from it and zap the screw that connected dial to internal mechanism…
Useful for inducing pulses onto the coin mechanism wiring in Arcade machines…. maybe doesn;t need to be so big…
I think I would call it an EMI generator.
Funny he can build a little EMP generator but can’t properly bias an LED.
Steel can, nail [insulated from can] and spark plug lead from engine.
I read once on other forums an story about a guy who made a DIY EMP for “testing and experimenting”. The guy rushed the maths part, took some parts from an old washing machine and followed some sketches he found on the internet. After assembled, he put his custom EMP device near a wall of his improvised workshop, then he put an old magnetic band card right in front of the EMP device (to see if It can destroy the info on the card) and took away to a safe distance every electronic device he had on the room. When he turned on the EMP Device he was on the other side of the room with all his gadgets, but he found out that he shouldn’t have rushed the maths. The EMP was WAY MORE powerful than he thought, It ended destroying the data on the card, but also destroyed all cards on his wallet, his ipod, a hard disk, some portable consoles, and other electronic devices, but the worst (or the best) part was when he heard his neighbour’s son yelling “Dad! there is smoke coming out from the TV!”. Yes, the guy lived in a flat and forgot that the living room of his neighbour was in the other side of the wall where he put the EMP device. That was his first and last DIY EMP, he realized how dangerous It was and he thanked god nobody with a peacemaker were in the surrondings. His neighbour never knew about the EMP and thought his new plasma TV broke due a manufacture defect.
I’m calling BS on 98% of that story.
HDD casings are built out of mu metal (an alloy of nickel, iron, & 11 herbs & spices) which ‘absorbs’ the magnetic field of the 1-1.4T magnets used in the voice coil of the R/W head. Furthermore your average TV is ~1m/3ft across. The field gradient needed to generate substantial enough voltage to blow caps & fry MCUs is well beyond what anyone but Tony Stark could cobble together from a box of scraps.
Erase a few credit cards, sure. Fry electronics, not a chance. The 12th-hand nature of this story also casts obscene amounts of doubt on it’s veracity.
This is somehow inconsistent. Why should the casing be made of expensive metal to prevent the escape of the magnetic field of the voice coil drive, while the platters INSIDE the casing could use protection?
It is not. It is often aluminum and/or stainless steel. The field of the magnets of the voice coil drive is mostly confined between the magnets, where it can do its work together with coil. There is no other shielding except a quite close magnetic circuit made of steel.
I still would not believe the story about fried HDs or TVs. A cheap magnetic card sure. I had data loss on a ski-lift-card one time, because the wind bounced it around over the speaker of my cellphone.
Tear apart any HDD and you’ll find mu metal. I’m sure in recent years the amount has been dialed back to just around the voice coil but it’s still there.
>>Why should the casing be made of expensive metal to prevent the escape of the magnetic field of the voice coil drive
Again, it’s not the whole case, but the portion around the voice coil most assuredly contains mu metal or a similar alloy because of the way mu metal shunts magnetic fields. Part of the reason the magnetic field is strongest between the magnets is because the magnetic shielding shunts the other half of the dipole. Dangle a paperclip on a string near a powered off HDD and I bet you won’t see it deflect much, thanks to magnetic shielding provided by some nickel-iron alloy.
The paperclip won’t deflect much due to proper design of the drive magnets. The field is mostly contained between the two poles. Not due to magnetic shielding. mu metal is not used in hard disk drives. It is not required in this application due to the heads only sensing sharply alternating fields, and the head coil amplifiers rejecting low frequency changes. Modern GMR heads are more sensitive to external fields, but as data densities increase, so does the frequency of the field changes, so the lower frequencies are easier to filter out.
With almost all modern chips containing clamping diodes to prevent damage from ESD, it’s quite hard to use an EMP to induce enough current even on very weakly driven input lines to actually deal substantial damage, all you get is a very brief spike of interference, at best.
A design like this, does a similar job, but repeatedly and at high frequency, so it can certainly disrupt normal operations if it gets close enough, but it’s not an EMP at that point, just electrical noise, you can get the same effect going close to an electric motor, even worse if it has a bad cap. It’s also quite easy to shield against, a metal case or even something like chicken wire should do quite a good job at defeating this “weapon”.
The only real damage comes from when/if the noise impacts the feedback for a power supply, removing its capability to correctly regulate the output. This is a long-shot at best, as the noise has to a) Reach the power supply unit itself which usually has some form of shielding to prevent *IT* from causing this problem with other devices, b) Have sufficient energy to overpower the feedback resistors for the power supply (feasible, but inverse square law means you have to be pretty close), and c) most everything uses switch mode power supplies these days – your microwave, washing machine, phone, computer, alarm clock, etc – this noise would impact all of them, so it doesnt make much sense that expensive high level digital electronics would suffer, where other more fragile hardware, such as the power supply to the unit itself, would not.
Oh, I didn’t mention the magnetic stuff too – yeah, just straight up no to that. If the field was strong enough for that he would’ve blacked out his entire city from power consumption and turned all the metal nearby into a set of high speed bullets flying directly towards his generator.
Hard drives and credit cards require a remarkably strong magnetic field to set/damage, they only work because the reading read is in actual physical contact with the media, the distance is a number of atoms, not meters.
You read a story on the Internet. Big surprise, most of the story was false.
It looks similar to a spark gap transmitter from 1887 (illegal in most countries due to EMI since about 1917) https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/e6/Spark_gap_transmitter_diagram.png Thankfully with the antenna chopped off and the high voltage capacitor removed.
Looks practically identical except for the leyden jars, but maybe he didn’t have any leydens.
“magic pixies” We’re not children, there’s not need for the try hard attempts at humour.
yeah come on hackaday, surely 10000kv would be angry pixies rather than magic pixies. don’t baby us.
You just increased the voltage 10 fold to the advertisment :-) why not 100000kV? This device makes a 1cm spark, it’s more like 20kV.
That’s rabid pixies territory.
Looks to me like a design that works by accident and not in the intended manor You want to insert a capacitor to bump up your current, tune your coil and shield your electronics
Looks to me like the spark gap is doing all the work and the coil is just acting like a big resistor …
Looks legit to me. Assuming 6 V batteries, that’s 36 V. Keyed on creates a pulse that gets transformed up to high voltage, sparks, and the broadband signal is passed through an LC tank, radiating away out the antenna while it rings down.
If you put the sparking part in a box so that it didn’t radiate so much, this could be half plausible. But we have a lot mellower ways of making short bursts of broadband these days, so the spark is probably a waste of time except as far as it looks cool.
Shouldn’t this thing make a pulse on key down and key up? That must sound wierd.
I would assume 1,5V (Leclanche, ‘dry cell’) or 2V (lead acid) batteries, but anyhow. I believe to see an interrupter (like a doorbell). So the coil produces HV (and the transmitter RF) as long as the key is depressed.
This is why you need to go to uni and do engineering. Pathetic circuit for what he’s attempting to do. Anyone with a base knowledge of electronics knows that this wont do fuck. Pacemakers/IAD’s also have safeguards. I mean we can dump a pt with one of these in an MRI with appropriate settings and all is fine. You want to see EMP? Try dousing an MRI.
Did the “maths”, either fast or slow, sounds like a sketchy report too….call the snopes! ;-)
“Maths” is often the british english equivilent of American “math”.
An example in American English: “I couldn’t solve the problem because I didn’t understand the math”
British English: “I couldn’t solve the problem because we ran out of tea”
French translated to English: “We couldn’t solve the math problem because we surrendered immediately”
Russian translation: We couldn’t solve the problem because we shot the engineer because he forgot to carry the “2”.
I always mused that Maths is short for Mathematics. It somehow makes sense to pluralize the short version like the long one whereas Math which is also short for Mathematics doesn’t bother.
Hm… This seems way weaker then actually going to the lab and apply EN 61000-4 EMI to your devices. Just use the ESD-zapper gun, crank it’s voltage to around 15kV (thats a bit more than the standard asks, but usually what we test our devices with) and do air discharge on the vertical coupling plate or the reference plane below your device. Most badly designed/layouted microcontroller circuits (like all the arduinos…) will see a reset, devices designed for industrial compliance however should be pretty much immune to such events. This project is not an EMP generator, it’s just a pretty weak and random EMI generator.
I found a while back that a simple regular photoflash can mess up devices, specifically cheap calculators. Pretty sure that its a combination of very high peak intensity of light and short rise-time that is doing the damage, google “Pi Xenon DEATH FLASH!!!” for how this can crash some laptops, SBCs and modern phones even through the LCD.
Its interesting to note that my idea of a simple LED based photosensitivity tester based around LED strips harvested from old broken laptop panels could work here, simply put a low value resistor across each 4 LED bar to reduce the intrinsic capacitance and achieve minimum pulse width.
The “Pi Xenon DEATH FLASH!!!”” was no electrical, but only an optical interference. If you covered the voltage regulator with opaque paint, it was not vulnerable any more.
Please don’t do this in public places, you can accidentally kill or hurt someone (e.g. stop someone’s pacemaker or insulin pump)
Well, Thanks. Now Trump knows all about how to win the next debate.
I saw those on ebay a while back. At that price I was tempted to order ten. Parallel them up with a big capacitor and make a light weight power supply for tesla coils extra.
nice to see AvE has taken over the usual jargon in many posts lately. Magic pixies have yet to be seen.
One of these, slightly more powerful, mounted in the trunk of a car with the coil facing rearward… Would be handy for tailgaters… Or make one powerful enough to take out those irritatingly bright eBay HID light kits and LED light bars but not nuke the car’s computer (Unless of course turning that Mercedes that’s been trying to eat your bumper for the last two miles into a paperweight is the goal)
That’s a nice revenge fantasy but unfortunately – no. Notice how close he had to hold his zapper to the phones/Gameboy to get them to glitch? I suspect a layer of aluminum foil would shield most everything from the effects of similar devices. The trunk of a car would be a very effective shield as well. Even cutting a hole in the trunk wouldn’t allow enough energy to escape to cause any mischief.
Funny how he claims it generates EMP without a single measurement of magnetic pulses. I’d be very hesitant to hold those spark gap wires in my hand considering said wires can’t possibly be rated for HV. While I hate to piss on some guy’s experiments, this thing is downright dangerous. Shoddy wiring, Chinese ebay HV generator and Li-Ion cells – that’s a recipe for a Darwin Awards takedown.
Kinda disappointed he didn’t try this on a Galaxy Note 7.
He did, while riding on a hoverboard. Unfortunately, the video data was never recovered.
Well that looks a bit gay compared to this one :
1000 kV, eh? Or do you mean 1000000000000000000 fV? Maybe .001 GV. 1×10^6 V? The metric system prefixes are there for a reason. It’s common practice in applications to enumerate values in the lowest number of significant digits, per mille. So – 1 MV.
I want to buy one of the FlY EMP jammer
This isn’t the home shopping network. Build it.
Well if you find out where to buy a do-it-yourself Jared their PMP frequency modulator generator let me know thank you
EMP pulsers get rid of foot and leg pain, because doctors don’t prescribed pain pills no more and put high voltage voltage regulators that are adjustable to be used for nausea headaches and anxiety caused by antidepressants and opiod use its it’s real use is.
This is basically a bug zapper, it wont cause a problem to people with pacemakers as the range will only be 5 cm, I know people who use these on their pay meters, it blanks the Lcd display so they get free electric.
will the emp destroy my electric meter
well . I just begin to learn about the tesla coil like this:http://www.icchipword.com/article/Wireless-Electricity-What-is-a-Tesla-Coil.html I think it’s amazing! and i want to have a try!
is this strong enough to disable a passive rfid chip? i.e. in an electronic ID card?
Yes I’d very much like to know the answer to the above question.
A way of frying anything in the human body that shouldn’t be there would be handy to know also
Frying anything in the body that shouldn’t be there would also fry a lot of stuff that IS supposed to be there.
Think a good faraday cage might work to stop emp if its grounded made steel foil w/o gaps since it is magnetism we are dealing with
A lot of the issues listed above were concerned about collateral damage. Any good EMP device needs to be focused. Who wants a gun that shoots all over the place. A bullet or pulse needs to go where the firing device is pointed.
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