When Peter Economy said: “The path to greatness consists of having a strong and genuine desire, a good purpose, and good company along the way,” he probably had in mind the likes of Engineer Dominic Ifeanyi Chukwu Okafor.
By dint of hard work, perseverance and diligence, Dom, as he is fondly called by his friends, admirers, colleagues and business associates alike, established Jocaro Nigeria Limited, a firm that is turning into a conglomerate and playing a great fillip in the advancement of the oil and gas, communication, construction and finance industries, among other sectors of the Nigerian economy.
For these contributions from his private rank of life, he is today conferred fellowship by the Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE).
Dom, a native of Obiuno, Igbo-Ukwu, in Aguata Local Government Area of Anambra State, had his primary school education at Obiuno Primary School, Igbo-Ukwu, for his First School Leaving Certificate and Boys Secondary School, Igbo-Ukwu, for West African School Certificate. Thereafter, he attended the University of Nigeria, Nsukka, for his Bachelor of Engineering degree in mechanical engineering.
His unquenching appetite for knowledge, especially in business, and to be on top of the niche he wanted to carve for himself, led him to the University of Benin, Benin City, where he obtained a Master of Business Administration degree. Because of the challenge ahead in the business world, he went further to hone his business skills with the Joint Owner Manager Programme of Lagos Business School, Nigeria, and Strathmore Business School, Nairobi, Kenya. He has attended many managerial courses locally and overseas for technical and leadership training.
Upon completion of his academic pursuits, Dom began his engineering practice with Chevron Nigeria Limited for the compulsory one-year NYSC scheme as reservoir engineer. Thereafter, he secured employment with SPIBAT Nigeria Limited, a French construction company, as a welding book officer. He later transferred his services for higher experience to John Holt PLC, a conglomerate, as a management trainee. Here, he gripped the opportunity to perfect his managerial skills and technical knowhow in engineering functions, viz: mechanical systems maintenance, engineering/project management experience, mechanical fabrication, electro-mechanical power systems, renewable energy systems, as well as management and leadership acumen, among others. He also served the company in diverse functions, including trainee, John Holt Plc, Lagos; service engineer, John Holt Engineering, Warri; service manager, John Holt Engineering, Enugu; and area service manager, John Holt Engineering, Port Harcourt and Enugu branches.
With demonstrable technical and managerial knowhow and distinguishing skills in business, Dom voluntarily resigned from John Holt Plc in August 2000 to found Jocaro Nigeria Limited, an engineering products and services company majoring in manufacturing, sales, installation and maintenance, rental of light and heavy duty power generating sets and construction, with him as managing director/CEO.
He also established ancillary outfits, Safe Delivery Services Nigeria Limited, Safe Blocks & Concretes Limited and Jocaro Engineering Limited, all of which have synergised for the greater impact the conglomerate has made in the oil and gas, communication, finance and other sectors of the nation’s economy, with rewarding success.
Of great commendation is that, within 20 years of entrepreneurial endeavour, Dom had nurtured all his business interests to first class service businesses competing favourably with renowned and foreign-backed organisations and with offices spread across the major cities of Nigeria and Houston, Texas, in the United States of America, hence Jocaro Nigeria Limited is an International Organisation for Standardisation-certified company.
From the little acorn, Jocaro Nigeria Limited has grown to a big cedar tree, having strong branches, giving shelter and impacting lives as hundreds of households draw their livelihood from the proceeds of their relationship with Jocaro group of companies.
Aside from business success, Dom has demonstrated great leadership acumen. He has held a wide range of leadership positions, including class monitor; deputy senior prefect; president of literary and debating society at Boys’ Secondary School, Igbo-Ukwu; president, Nigerian Universities Engineering Students Association, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, chapter; chancellor, Dollar Club Exclusive, UNN chapter; president, Rotary Club of Port Harcourt; assistant governor, Rotary International District 9140; secretary, Obiuno Development Union; assistant secretary, Igbo-Ukwu Development Union; chairman, Obiuno Development Union, Port Harcourt branch; chairman, Igbo-Ukwu Development Union, Port Harcourt branch; and financial secretary, Concerned Igbo-Ukwu Citizens Forum.
He was also chairman, Harvest and Bazaar Committee, St. Jude Catholic Church, Rumuokoro, Port Harcourt. He is patron, Laity Council, Catholic Diocese of Awka, and chairman, Parish Support Group, St. Patrick Parish, Igbo-Ukwu.
Dom also served the Rivers State Government as a member of its aqua-cultural committee, where he deployed his skills to fast-tract the committee’s assignment.
Dom is a member of several organisations, including Rotary Club of Port Harcourt; a member of Rotary International; Knight of St. Mulumba; Nigerian Society of Engineers; American Society of Mechanical Engineers; Council for the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria; Port Harcourt Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Agriculture; Petroleum Technology Association of Nigeria; Port Harcourt Polo Club; Ikoyi Club 1938, Lagos; and Python International Golf Club, Port Harcourt.
Some of Dom’s philanthropic activities are exemplified in the following: Re-roofing of dilapidated Post Office building in Igbo-Ukwu community, Supply of 5KVA generator to Obiuno, Igbo-Ukwu Health Centre; visitation and provision of welfare to prisons and old people’s homes; visitation to charity homes; the establishment of the Rotary Club of Aguata; donation of 20KVA sound-proof generator to the Anambra State Disability Commission Office, Awka; and construction of a deep underground water reservoir and 3,000 litres overhead tank at Boys Secondary School, Igbo-Ukwu.
Dom has been recognised and honoured for his numerous acts of philanthropy as follows: Appointed assistant governor of RI District 9140, 2016/2017 Rotary year; District 9140 Best President, 2011/2012; the prestigious Nze-na-Ozor title as Ezechinyelugo; Paul Harris Fellow of The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International, Major Donor of The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International, District 9140; Distinguished Service Award, 2015/2016, and now Fellow, Nigerian Society of Engineers.
He is widely travelled. His travels cover Europe and America in the main.
He enjoys playing golf, badminton, reading and socialising.
Dom is happily married to Lady Adaeze Okafor and their marriage is blessed with lovely children – Ijeoma, Ikemsinachi, Chimkamdili and Chimkasinma.
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By Vincent Kalu When Peter Economy said: “The path to greatness consists of having a strong and...
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